Discovering what you truly are
Posted on 03.04.08 5:19PM under Bob Adamson, Gilbert Schultz, Podcast
This is our second program. This the first program of a series on ‘pointers’ (phrases) used in advaita. The pointer explored in this program is ‘You are already that’, a pointer used by Bob Adamson. Parallels are drawn between this pointer and one used by Nisagardatta of staying with the ‘I am.’
Bob Adamson is the main speaker. First of, in this program, Gilbert gives a hint about what ‘a pointer’ is. The main portion of the program is composed of excerpts taken from Bob Adamson’s meetings. A transcript of the program is available.
Websites of interest from this program are:
‘Sailor’ Bob Adamson – Non-conceptual, Self-knowing Awareness
Gilbert’s website.
As the audio quality of some of the excerpts is not high, a transcript of the program is on this link, in blue.