Discovering what you truly are
Posted on 03.16.09 6:03PM under Bob Adamson, Podcast
One of the most profound texts of all time on the subject of Non Duality. If one were only to have this text to contemplate, it is enough. Its rich content touches the unfathomable nature of our existence. Written by the Chinese Third Patriarch of Chan (Zen in Japanese). His name, Chien-chih Seng-ts’an or Jianzhi Sengcan. The author is also known by the name Sosan in Japan. It seems fitting that so little is known about the author. The text transcends ‘the personal’ and reveals something profound about our true nature. If you have heard it before, then listen to it as fresh and new – because it IS fresh and new. Ram Dass said he read it for a very long time without understanding breaking through. Then it opened up into a profound meaning (paraphrasing). One can listen to it many times and its profundity is not diminished.
This program contains Part 1 of 2 parts of the text. Part two will appear in due course.
The excellent reading of the text is by Ram Dass. The second half of this program is a visit to a meeting at Bob Adamson’s Place.
The extract from Bob’s meeting is from a down-load ‘meeting’ from Bob’s website.
It is called ‘Melbourne Meeting #3’ Please Note: IS NOW AVAILABLE via the link above. – Highly recommended.
Music by Samwad – “Raga Bliss”.
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