Discovering what you truly are
Posted on 05.18.10 2:39PM under Christine Wushke
We found Christine on a video interview with Rafael Stoneman on facebook – then we contacted her and here is the ‘result’. Christine is NOT an Advaita Teacher. She is simple – in the nicest possible way – her responses do not come from some tradition. She lives in Canada.
Music is composed by a friend of Christines, the piece is called “Elixirs for the Human Heart” from The Science of Peace series by Larry Seyer and David Wilcox. The last piece of vocal music is by Vas and is called ‘Unbecoming’.
You can find Christine on her blog and on a w/site and on facebook if you are inclined to do so.
The Urban Guru Cafe is a free podcast on discovering your true nature. Small donation can be made via this website.