Urban Guru Cafe

Discovering what you truly are

11. What is Awareness – part two

[ Comments Off on 11. What is Awareness – part two ] Posted on 07.26.08 under Gilbert Schultz, Podcast

A sound-scape with a few words thrown in.

A brief program that may assist in the exploration of ‘one’s own’ conscious presence.

That ‘one’s own’ conscious presence is actually the Universal Presence of Awareness.

No theories or beliefs are needed.

Mandolin music composition and playing by Gilbert. – Program is only 7 minutes long.

Gilbert’s website.

10. Exploring what you are

[ Comments Off on 10. Exploring what you are ] Posted on 07.08.08 under Gilbert Schultz, Podcast

Everything, including all concepts and all pointing appear nowhere other than in the natural state of seeing, knowing – you are THAT.

Being is silent – just as in nature, the realm of concepts and expressions may also elicit a resonance in being.

This is a relaxed exploration via various ‘pointers’. Recorded in the backyard garden – the birds join in.

Music interludes by these bands: Argentina, Radio Kabul, Zarafa and Yes (a great band from the 70s).
