Urban Guru Cafe

Discovering what you truly are

98. Prior to Consciousness – Nisargadatta – 6th Jan 1980

[ Comments Off on 98. Prior to Consciousness – Nisargadatta – 6th Jan 1980 ] Posted on 12.17.10 under Nisargadatta Maharaj

” Is there a world outside (of) your knowledge?  Can you go beyond what you know?   You may postulate a world beyond the mind, but it will remain a concept, unproved and unprovable.  Your experience is your proof …and it is valid for you only.  Who else can have your experience, when the other person is only as real as he (or she) appears in your experience” – Nisargadatta.

“You have projected onto yourself a world of your own imagination, based on memories, on desires and fears, and you have imprisoned yourself in it. Break the spell and be free.” – Nisargadatta

Where were you on the 6th of January 1980? On that day a few visitors were in a small attic room in the back streets of Bombay, in an area called Khetwadi. They had come from distant places to ask their questions, addressed to one who did not speak English. Somehow word had reached them, that this ‘teacher’ was someone extraordinary. Without a trace of sentiment, Nisargadatta turned many lives around and often with just a few words. Following on from the last program, we present digitally cleaned up audio from the meetings that were held everyday, year after year. This recording features Ramesh Balsekar and S.K. Mullarpattan as the main translators. These programs may require a few careful ‘listenings’ to catch everything they offer, but it is all clear, especially if you listen a few times. Many would have loved to have been able to attend the meetings. These recordings give an opportunity that is otherwise not available. Each meeting is unique and the way that Maharaj conducts himself is never predictable. He would not allow anyone to continue asking ‘spiritual kindergarden’ questions. Obviously he was keenly aware of where the visitor was ‘coming from’ and although he never spoke English, except for a word here and there, he probably understood the language reasonably well. That is neither here nor there, as we say. The atmosphere of that small room is captured on these recordings.

Music includes: Jefferson Airplane and a piece by Pepe Habichuela

The Urban Guru Cafe is a totally free podcast…..which has already turned a few lives around.

SEASONAL GREETINGS TO EVERYONE from the Urban Guru Cafe team.

97. The Seed of everything is this Consciousness.

[ Comments Off on 97. The Seed of everything is this Consciousness. ] Posted on 12.08.10 under Nisargadatta Maharaj

“What contradicts itself has no being. Or it has only momentary being, which comes to the same. For what has a beginning and an end has no middle. It is hollow. It has only name and shape given to it by the mind, but it has neither substance nor essence.” – Nisargadatta.

“Once you realize that the world is your own projection, you are free of it. You need not free yourself of a world that does not exist, except in your own imagination! However is the picture, beautiful or ugly, you are painting it and you are not bound by it. Realize that there is nobody to force it on you, that it is due to the habit of taking the imaginary to be real. See the imaginary as imaginary and be free of fear.” – Nisargadatta

The ONLY time there ever is is the Immediate Presence which we commonly call NOW.

These programs on Nisargadatta are very potent for those who are interested in this material.   It may take a few listenings to get the full potency of the pointing.   I myself have been struck by certain passages, by the simple and yet ‘deep’ significance of what Nisargadatta is saying. – Gilbert

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj – First a recording from 1980 with Ramesh Balsekar translating and then a recording from the 11th of January 1981 in which the voice of S.K. Mullarpattan appears as translator. This is a short selection from a series of tape recordings which I have digitally cleaned up and edited for archival purposes. There may be more to come. Some of the many tapes were used for transcribing purposes by Jean Dunn and Dr. Robert Powell who both produced excellent books on Nisargadatta. The first book ‘I am That’ was transcribe by Maurice Freeman in the early seventies. Dates for all the passages transcribed from the tapes are mentioned in the various books.

Music: Vikingo de Jerez from brand new released CD titled “Buleriando” by Rowland Schultz – available via his website – click HERE.

The Urban Guru Cafe is FREE podcast site. Enjoy the many programs presented here.

Season Greetings to all the listeners and to everyone at 93.1 CFIS-FM – Prince George Community Radio Society – the ONLY Radio Station on the planet to have the nerve, the audacity and the gumption to air these programs for the general public. Sunday mornings at 8.30 – 93.1 CFIS-FM. Good on ya gals and guys. I hear there is a bit of a following developing there in BC. Be great if some other brave Radio Stations came on board too.

64. Gilbert – ‘So Clear – So Obvious’

[ Comments Off on 64. Gilbert – ‘So Clear – So Obvious’ ] Posted on 12.04.09 under Gilbert Schultz

Interview with Gilbert. An opportunity to re-discover the in-describe-able essence of what you are. Voice and an excellent selection of musical interludes.

Music includes: Pink Floyd, Ten Years After Sting and Annour Brahem. from his new-ish CD is called Barzakh.

The VIEW from ‘the last stepping stone’, on the pathless path, is the same VIEW from ‘the first stepping stone’. This Seeing NOW.

Pointers appear and disappear – what they all point to never appears… and so it never can disappear. Just the same is what you are has never truly appeared or disappeared. Knowing is all that is ‘happening’. Everything appears in the knowing – including the ‘knowing of’, the ‘conscious of’.

You ARE this SEEING-KNOWING-ESSENCE, the knowing of all things, which only ever forms into the transient patterns of ‘a seer’ and ‘the seen‘. The unchanging is what you ARE. This knowing does not need a pattern to associate with and all patterns come and go ‘upon’ the unchanging essence of ‘I am’.

Gilbert’s website. E-book – For a free sample titled “Without a reference point” Click HERE – the sample is from an E-book titled “Who do you think you are?”

The UGC is a free podcast on the subject of Non Duality.

Keep this site alive and kicking by making a small donation if you can.  We say ‘thank you kindly’ to those who have already made a donation over recent months.

53. Spontaneous Recognition – At Bob Adamson’s place

[ Comments Off on 53. Spontaneous Recognition – At Bob Adamson’s place ] Posted on 09.16.09 under Bob Adamson

Some excellent points are discussed in this recording from a recent meeting at Bob’s place.

Music includes: Cheb i Sabbah, Gilbert on Mandola, Ry Cooder, Gilbert O’Sullivan, Gary Jules and Lemonjelly.

IMPORTANT NOTE: For those having a difficulty understanding Bob’s accent, we have made, just for you, a transcript.

Read the transcript as you listen. It will assist to make it a lot more accessible. The Australian accent can be hard to understand for some.

We do our best on a limited budget. The new look is being experimented with.

Instead of charging listeners, we keep the UGC as a totally free podcast. Please consider making a small donation to keep this site alive, if you are able.