Discovering what you truly are
[ Comments Off on 19. John Wheeler – What is the truth of who you are? – part 1 ] Posted on 10.24.08 under John Wheeler, Podcast
John Wheeler tells us that the very nature of our being is that which is being pointed to – and it does not need to be found. It cannot be denied and we do not come to it with the mind, because it is prior to the mind. It is always right here, right now, in your direct experience-ing. It is perfectly whole and complete – it needs no enhancement – there is no ‘becoming’ to it.
Music from Mercan Dede‘s excellent new CD ‘800’ – and some beautiful guitar pieces by Gerardo Nunez.
John Wheeler’s contact details are:
The UGC is a Free Podcast.
[ Comments Off on 18. Interview with Bob Adamson – part 2 ****** ] Posted on 10.13.08 under Bob Adamson, Podcast
Please listen to Part one before this program. This program is part two of a remarkable interview with ‘Sailor Bob’ Adamson.
Even for those who are very familiar with Bob’s so-called ‘teaching’ it will most certainly touch them. We advise you to listen to it a few times. There are many salient points that Bob expresses and each one has a potency that cuts through even the concept of there being a teaching. It is all about right here, right now. Seeing-knowing – this presence that you are.
The ripples from these two programs are already spreading far and wide. The interview contains so many pointers delivered in a remarkably relaxed way. Let it sink in.
A BOOKLET of the transcript (of both programs) is available to post out – visit to get the details or email Gilbert for them.
Some beautiful music from Erik Satie and Anouar Brahem
There is no duality in Non Duality. Free Podcast.
[ Comments Off on 17. Interview with Bob Adamson – Part 1 ****** ] Posted on 10.05.08 under Bob Adamson, Podcast
This is a remarkable interview with ‘Sailor Bob’ Adamson. Remarkable, because of various elements – the first being that it has a quality of a ‘one to one’ or ‘heart to heart’ which is not always present in meeting recordings. Bob very clearly exposes, one after another, the erroneous beliefs and ideas that ‘we’ hold onto in our misunderstanding of Non Duality or reality, if you like. This unique interview (split into two parts) should not be missed – even by those who are very familiar with Bob’s message for it is bound to have an impact. -With unswerving clarity, Bob openly demonstrates a clear understanding which removes all the difficulties of belief. THIS clear understanding is totally accessible to anyone and everyone – just listen. – It is suggested that you listen to it a few times. Let it sink in. All you have to do is follow what is being pointed out and ‘Hear it’. – Part two appears after this program. Music by Erik Satie – and additional music by Anouar Brahem.
Free Podcast on Non Duality.
[ Comments Off on 16. It is all THAT – No exceptions – all inclusive ] Posted on 09.25.08 under Gilbert Schultz, Podcast
All concepts are ephemeral by nature, and they cannot bind Awareness – they simply are awareness itself appearing as forms ‘in or on’ Awareness. This program is all about this fact. No belief is asked for or required. The immediate experiencing is NOT of being a ‘person’. That fact is extremely subtle and yet so very, very obvious. It is not a concept….it is irrefutable….self-evident. If one truly hears what is being pointed out – it is the dissolution of all beliefs in ‘time and process’ – ‘a Path’ – and the clear presence of naked awareness is obvious – as it always IS. It is not ‘personal’. Enlightenment is not a personal achievement – no matter what any Guru, Teacher or anyone says.
Free podcast.
Music by The Moody Blues, Kardes Turkuler, Cheb i Sabbah, Vas – Rick Wakeman of ‘Yes’ – Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs. Voice cuts from Dylan Thomas’ Under Milkwood and from Alan Parsons Project’s ‘The Time Machine’.
Gilbert’s website: <
[ Comments Off on 11. What is Awareness – part two ] Posted on 07.26.08 under Gilbert Schultz, Podcast
A sound-scape with a few words thrown in.
A brief program that may assist in the exploration of ‘one’s own’ conscious presence.
That ‘one’s own’ conscious presence is actually the Universal Presence of Awareness.
No theories or beliefs are needed.
Mandolin music composition and playing by Gilbert. – Program is only 7 minutes long.
[ Comments Off on 10. Exploring what you are ] Posted on 07.08.08 under Gilbert Schultz, Podcast
Everything, including all concepts and all pointing appear nowhere other than in the natural state of seeing, knowing – you are THAT.
Being is silent – just as in nature, the realm of concepts and expressions may also elicit a resonance in being.
This is a relaxed exploration via various ‘pointers’. Recorded in the backyard garden – the birds join in.
Music interludes by these bands: Argentina, Radio Kabul, Zarafa and Yes (a great band from the 70s).
[ Comments Off on 9. Pointers Series – Bob Adamson’s many pointers ] Posted on 06.17.08 under Bob Adamson, Podcast
Bob Adamson opens his meetings in Melbourne, Australia with an uninterrupted talk which always points us to our true essence in many simple and beautiful ways.
This program features an excerpt of one of these talks. Its full 50 minute length, along with another 15 minute closing talk… both of Bob speaking without questions… will soon be in an upcoming CD and available on Bob’s website. A must have! We’ll keep you posted.
Music: Debashish Bhattacharya – ‘Calcutta Chronicles’ and Carlos Nunez.
[ Comments Off on 7. Pointers Series – The answer is not in the mind ] Posted on 05.14.08 under Bob Adamson, Gilbert Schultz, Podcast
This is the third program in the pointers series examining Bob Adamson’s pointer that the answer is not in the mind – “Full stop, pause a thought, what is wrong with right now if you don’t think about it?” he tells us.
Included in the program is a short introduction by Gilbert Schultz. Most of the excerpts of Bob Adamson come from three CDs – ‘Sailor’ Bob Adamson – companion audio CD to the book “What’s Wrong With Right Now, Unless You Think About It?” – “Conversations on No-Thing” volumes 1, 2, and 3 (which form the text of his book “Presence-Awareness, Just This and Nothing Else”).
A transcript of the program is available.
Websites of featured guests:
‘Sailor’ Bob Adamson – Non-conceptual, Self-knowing Awareness
Gilbert Schultz – Shining Through the Mind
[ Comments Off on 3. Pointers Series – Program 2: No centre, No substance ***** ] Posted on 03.18.08 under Bob Adamson, Gilbert Schultz, Podcast
This is the second program in the pointer series examining Bob Adamson’s pointer that there is no centre or substance to this entity we believe ourselves to be. Included in the program is a short introduction by Gilbert Schultz and an experiment, lead by Douglas Harding, that you can do to further examine the truth of this pointer. Most of the excerpts of Bob Adamson come from three CDs – ‘Sailor’ Bob Adamson – companion Audio CD to the book – What’s wrong with Right Now – unless you think about it’ – Selections from Meetings recorded in 2003 – Volume 1,2 and 3 which form the text in his book ‘PRESENCE AWARENESS – Just This and Nothing Else .’A transcript of the program is available. Websites of featured guests:‘Sailor’ Bob Adamson – Non-conceptual, Self-knowing Awareness Gilbert Schultz – Shining Through the Mind Douglas Harding – The Headless Way
[ Comments Off on 2. Pointers Series – Program 1: You are already That ] Posted on 03.04.08 under Bob Adamson, Gilbert Schultz, Podcast
This is our second program. This the first program of a series on ‘pointers’ (phrases) used in advaita. The pointer explored in this program is ‘You are already that’, a pointer used by Bob Adamson. Parallels are drawn between this pointer and one used by Nisagardatta of staying with the ‘I am.’
Bob Adamson is the main speaker. First of, in this program, Gilbert gives a hint about what ‘a pointer’ is. The main portion of the program is composed of excerpts taken from Bob Adamson’s meetings. A transcript of the program is available.
Websites of interest from this program are:
‘Sailor’ Bob Adamson – Non-conceptual, Self-knowing Awareness
Gilbert’s website.
As the audio quality of some of the excerpts is not high, a transcript of the program is on this link, in blue.