Urban Guru Cafe

Discovering what you truly are

100. I AM – the Alpha and Omega – Urban Guru Cafe

[ Comments Off on 100. I AM – the Alpha and Omega – Urban Guru Cafe ] Posted on 03.29.11 under Bob Adamson


The Urban Guru Cafe was created 2007-08.   The origins of the concept for a podcast sprang up out of conversations between Areti Alexova and Gilbert Schultz.  A dutch visitor, Eric, who was attending Bob Adamson’s meetings offered to do the technical side of constructing a podcast site.  Eric also translated one of Bob’s books into Dutch.  

It was a harmonious beginning and we were all excited about the project.  Areti played the role of being an excellent interviewer and we approached various teachers around the world, speakers who we found to be genuine, clear and fairly direct.  The project quickly became a popular podcast around the globe.  Because the podcasts were not focused on any one teacher, it introduced many relatively unknown teachers to a wide audience.  Areti’s role was the significant central role and many listeners came to love her style and her voice.  Areti edited the interview recordings she made into a concise and easily listening format, which many expressed the appreciation of.  Gilbert played the hidden role of putting the sound files together with musical breaks.  The overall effect was a winner.  The site reached a far bigger popularity than any of us expected.  

The podcasts remain available and many continue to discover them.  The podcasts continue to entertain, inform and illuminate.  Hundreds of listeners continue to listen to the podcasts on a regular basis, even though they have already heard them many times already.

Please enjoy what is on offer.

What is pointed to in these podcast programs will not go stale or be dated. What is pointed to has never aged or changed one iota.   Therefore these programs continue to serve as a vehicle for clear pointing.  

Podcast number 100:

This program contains all the essential pointers that anyone needs.  If you can follow what is pointed out it is virtually impossible not to recognize your own essential ‘natural state’.   You may need to listen a few times.  This particular podcast represents what the Urban Guru Cafe is about.  Listen in a relaxed way and let the ‘message’ register without ‘reaction’ from the mind.  Mind is only appearance.  Pure being is not in the mind.  As long as there is some form of grasping consciousness going on, then the idea of seeking will perpetuate itself.   This naked awareness, which is beyond mind, is timelessly present – it is not altered by ‘time’.   Anyone who has experienced a true insight knows that it is a wordless insight – it is not in the conditioned mind – it is pure in-seeing.  Space like awareness is prior to the appearance of all the qualities and content of consciousness. That does not mean that it is separate.  Not two.

What must be clearly understood is that no one can ‘do’ anything for you – no guru, teacher or any ‘me’ or  ‘other than me’ can facilitate the recognition that is required. What is usually offered is a conditional perspective which keeps the seeker locked into a mind game.  Once a clear and precise recognition has ‘happened’ there is little one can say about it, because it is beyond language.  Knowing is never truly corrupted by thought….It is pure knowing, pure being, which has always been present because it IS presence itself.  Any ‘personal history’ is only baggage and all our old ideas amount to nil until we let go absolutely.  Link to Guest Speaker here.

The guide can walk with you and assist with direction and the avoidance of deviations.  The spontaneous recognition is always potential.  You must SEE for yourself.  Belief is useless in this ‘venture’.  Belief is a hinderance and old ideas amount to nothing.

Music: G on Mandola and Mary Hopkin’s “Those were the days”.

P.S. Thousands upon thousands have a copy of “I am THAT” – Nisargadatta.  Few understand what is offered in the book.  The book often sits on a shelf as a trophy.  The lucky one is driven to read it every day.   Something percolates down.   As for the Urban Guru Cafe, there may or may not be further programs (as the song says “we thought they would never end”).     If you get the gist of what this single program is pointing to, there will be no need for MORE.  Listen a few times.  – G.

The UGC is a FREE podcast.  The producer of these podcasts has a new e-book available on this website.

99. Urban Guru Cafe – Only One

[ Comments Off on 99. Urban Guru Cafe – Only One ] Posted on 12.24.10 under David Carse, Isaac Shapiro, John Wheeler, Kenneth Madden, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Randall Friend, Rick Linchitz, Robert Wolfe

The mind wants more. The idea of ‘self’ wants to survive beyond this moment and yet this moment is all there is and the idea of self has NO being and there is actually no ‘me’ in this immediacy of seeing-knowing.  This is actually very obvious right now.  You have to think about a ‘me’ before it ‘appears’.  The pure seeing is duration-less.  Uninterrupted observing is happening.  The mind is time – transient appearances only.  This immediacy is timeless.

The clear pointing on this site does not date.  It is fresh as the immediate impressions that register each moment.  We encourage you to explore as many of these programs as you wish to.  If you are waiting for a new program, please start listening to those programs you have not yet listened to.  Even though the programs are presented in an entertaining format, the essence of the pointing is sharp and cutting and ever fresh.   No one knows what ‘information’ will bring about a clear insight for you.  One may hear a pointer many times and somehow it does not register with its full meaning, then suddenly it cuts to the core.  Therefore we encourage anyone who resonates with a particular ‘message’ to listen as often as you can.  The programs will not dull or get stale.  Something ‘sinks in’ and in an unexpected moment a clear pointer registers with a clarity that dispenses the ‘old view’ and it leaves you present and aware, as you always have been, nakedly aware, of being pure being.   In that moment (which can only be this moment) the ‘job’ has been done (and nothing has actually happened and nothing was ever done).  This naked moment is eternal presence.

The incentive of the Urban Guru Cafe is purely in order for such a moment to open up for you (as it did for me).   Once this has ‘happened’ things fall into place in a very different ‘order’ and many beliefs are dispensed with naturally without incident.  This has ‘happened’ for many listeners.  Be patient and listen to those programs that resonate. – G.

In the beginning was the word.

The texture of the universe is a seamless garment worn by no entity.
The following voices will be heard on this program: Rick Linchitz, Robert Wolfe, Kenneth Madden, Terence Stamp reading David Carse, Ram Dass reading an ancient text, Randall Friend, Mark West, Bob Adamson, John Wheeler, Isaac Shapiro, Ramesh Balsekar with Nisargadatta….. – G.

Music includes: Gordon Lightfoot, Gevorg Dabagian, Andreas Vollenweider, Moody Blues, Kingston Trio, Thomas Dybdahl, Rivertribe (Aus), Mozart and Pink Floyd, traffic and birds.

The various guests on this program have programs of their own and website also. Gilbert has a free trimmed version of his e-book called “Resonance in the Heart”  available – The full version is a pay for download. Click HERE to visit the e-book.

The entire 99 programs on this site were produced on a MacBook Pro using a simple but excellent audio editing program called Amedeus Pro. We recommend Apple Macs and to date we have had no software conflicts and no major hardware issues with these excellent work tools.Through the above article, we can recommend you the latest dresses.Shop dress in a variety of lengths, colors and styles for every occasion from your favorite brands.

The UGC is on 1 Radio station in BC CFIS FM, Sunday mornings at 8.30.  It would be good to have the UGC on a few more stations around the globe. The programs are free.  Make some comments and stay in touch. – G.



57. Jason Swanson – Seeing-Oneness – part two

[ Comments Off on 57. Jason Swanson – Seeing-Oneness – part two ] Posted on 10.17.09 under Jason Swanson

This is part two of an interview with Jason Swanson. Jason’s blog is You Are Seeing-Oneness. Jason leads the SL meetings.

Music includes: Bob Dylan, Led Zeppelin, Ben Harper, Lemonjelly, AndreasVollenweider.

The UGC is a free podcast. Small donation can be made via the site if you are able and willing.

38. You are NO THING – Randall Friend – Part 1

[ Comments Off on 38. You are NO THING – Randall Friend – Part 1 ] Posted on 04.30.09 under Podcast, Randall Friend

An interview with Randall about his new book “You are NO Thing”. It’s about moving from worldly knowledge to self-knowledge.

The book is now published – by Non Duality Press.  The ‘Bob’ that Randall mentions is of course Bob Adamson. Bob appears in previous programs here on the UGC.

Randall’s website is called “You Are Dreaming”

Music includes pieces by Gerardo Nunez, Crash Test Dummies, Andreas Vollenweider, Creedence Clearwater Revival and Van Morrison.

Short voice extracts from The Matrix movie at the head and tail of the program.

This podcast is FREE. For those who appreciate this free service, the opportunity is provided for making a (no obligation) small donation. A newly introduced Donation Tab appears on this site – top of front page (very small icon) near the contact icon and another at the bottom left hand side of comment pages.

Thank you to those who have taken the trouble to donate something. – It is appreciated.

37. Across Space and Time – Program #3 – Nisargadatta Tapes

[ Comments Off on 37. Across Space and Time – Program #3 – Nisargadatta Tapes ] Posted on 04.23.09 under Nisargadatta Maharaj, Podcast

This tape is from January 1981. The atmosphere is ‘alive’ with activities and the pointing is constant. Jean Dunn was present in the meeting. Jean published three books of transcripts from tapes similar to these ones featured here on the UGC. The word Fakir is used several times at one point. A Fakir is a Yogi, trained to go beyond the body. An example is: a bed of nails is used by a Fakir.

Music by Talvin Singh (Flute) and Asad Qizilbash (Sarod).

The voices of Alan Kahaney, Jack Kornfield, Jean Dunn appear as extracts from the “Awaken to the Eternal” video on Nisargadatta. This video is well worth watching. The link above takes you to the website for the video. Watch the entire video by clicking HERE.

Also….Nisargadatta audio courtesy of Maurizio at netineti films here.

This podcast is FREE. For those who appreciate this free service, the opportunity is provided for making a (no obligation) small donation. A newly introduced Donation Tab appears on this site – top of front page (very small icon) near the contact icon and another at the bottom left hand side of comment pages.

Thank you to those who have taken the trouble to donate something. It is appreciated.

36. Across Space and Time – Program #2 – Nisargadatta Tapes

[ Comments Off on 36. Across Space and Time – Program #2 – Nisargadatta Tapes ] Posted on 04.13.09 under Nisargadatta Maharaj, Podcast

“Those who know only scriptures know nothing – To know is to BE”. – Nisargadatta

“Delayed response is wrong response. Thought, feeling and action must be one and simultaneous with the situation that calls for them” – Nisargadatta

The essence of the message is subtle. The mind is attuned to gross concepts. In this program is a very subtle introduction to our true nature. Listen to it as often as you can. The insight that comes, opens up the being-ness.

There is ‘no reason’ why anyone should miss it. It is the immediacy of being.

The voices of Jack Kornfield, Mark West, Ramesh Balsekar appear in this program.

Three short audio extracts from the video “Awaken to the Eternal“.

Various visitors put questions to Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj through the English translator, Ramesh.

Music by Asad Qizilibash, Ravi Shanka and the closing music by Van Morrison.

This podcast is FREE. For those who appreciate this free service, the opportunity is provided for making a (no obligation) small donation. A newly introduced Donation Tab appears on this site – top of front page (very small icon) near the contact icon and another at the bottom left hand side of comment pages.

35. Appearance and Sensation – Randall Friend

[ Comments Off on 35. Appearance and Sensation – Randall Friend ] Posted on 04.10.09 under Podcast, Randall Friend

Gilbert introduces Randall who shares some insights and explorations into the unknown. Randall’s website

The extract is from a talk by Randal called “Oneness of Consciousness” – hear the rest through the link above.

Randall’s first book is being published in early May – The title is “You Are No Thing” – publisher Non-Duality Press.

Comedy: A short piece from the late and great Bill Hicks is featured at the beginning.

Short music interludes include: James Taylor, Flamenco Arabe, Bob Lind, Ray Stevens, Joe South and Chrissie Hynde.

A recording of Helen Adie playing a Gurdjieff piano piece from a collection of music called “Dances and Chants of the Seids” – an unusually ‘moving’ piece of music.This post is sponsored by our partners Wigs

Point of interest: Helen Adie, a concert pianist during her early life in London, was Gilbert’s ‘sacred dance’ (‘movements’) teacher for many years. She played Piano for the Movement Classes in Paris (Fontainebleau) for G.I. Gurdjieff . Helen and her husband George Adie were pupils of Gurdjieff. This music, along with many other pieces, was recorded by Gilbert in the 80’s. There is a 3 CD set of the music available (or was for a few years). It may be hard to find. Some of the pieces are exceptionally ‘moving’. As I remember it, Helen was flown to the US to play pieces for the production of Peter Brook’s film, on Gurdjieff’s early life, called “Meetings with Remarkable Men”. Some of the ‘movements’ appear in that film. You can see them on google video.

This podcast is FREE. For those who appreciate this free service, the opportunity is provided for making a (no obligation) small donation. A newly introduced Donation Tab appears on this site – top of front page (very small icon) near the contact icon and another at the bottom left hand side of comment pages.