Discovering what you truly are
[ Comments Off on 91. Rupert Spira – It is Awareness ] Posted on 08.23.10 under Rupert Spira
Rupert Spira is sharp and clear. No need to believe anything. See for yourself. Other interviews with Rupert appear in earlier programs on the UGC.
Rupert’s website is HERE.
Music includes: REM, Richard Thomson, Angus and Julia Stone, Jan Garbarek, Kese Kese, Nick Cave, the Muse and the Kinks.
The Urban Guru Cafe is a free podcast site available to all. Small donations help to keep this site active. We thank those who have already supported this venture – against all odds, to bring clear pointing to the internet, without asking anyone to believe in anything.
The UGC is a FREE Podcast.
[ Comments Off on 59. Rupert Spira – part two ] Posted on 11.01.09 under Rupert Spira
This is a continuation of Areti’s interview with Rupert Spira. The pointing appears in the knowing. The potency is the knowing, not the pointing. Recognition spontaneously ‘happens’ or not.
Ruperts website is Here
Music includes: The Doors, Mozart, Lemonjelly, Lemon Pipers, The Police and Pink Floyd
You can contribute and engage with others through your own comments on this site. Keep this site alive and kicking. Small non tax deductible donations may be made on the site, if you wish. The overall quality of what is regularly presented here is the best available within our means. This is not a corporation, there are no staff members. The makers and speakers donate their time and skills for the apparent benefit of all those who find these programs. So, Enjoy.
P.S. UGC moto: “We have done so much, with so little, for so long…… now, we can do anything …..with nothing at all”.
[ Comments Off on 58. Rupert Spira – part one ] Posted on 10.26.09 under Rupert Spira
Areti interviews Rupert Spira. Many suggestions have been made for us to conduct this interview, so here it is. Rupert is a ceramic’s artist and he makes some exceptionally pleasant pieces of art – forms. See his work on his website. Part two will follow in due course.
Rupert’s website is Here
Music includes: The Oyster Band, Andreas Vollenweider (Harp), Tomitito (Guitar), Shanka (Indian) and Cheb i Sabbah (closing music).
These podcasts a totally free. Non Duality is always free of guru biased belief systems. You can add your comments and converse with others via the comment pages. There are many features to this site – explore them. Small donations can be made via the donation link, below the coffee cup image.We recommend buying your favorite toothbrush at super low prices with free shipping, and you can also pick up your order at the store on the same day.