Urban Guru Cafe

Discovering what you truly are

99. Urban Guru Cafe – Only One

[ Comments Off on 99. Urban Guru Cafe – Only One ] Posted on 12.24.10 under David Carse, Isaac Shapiro, John Wheeler, Kenneth Madden, Nisargadatta Maharaj, Randall Friend, Rick Linchitz, Robert Wolfe

The mind wants more. The idea of ‘self’ wants to survive beyond this moment and yet this moment is all there is and the idea of self has NO being and there is actually no ‘me’ in this immediacy of seeing-knowing.  This is actually very obvious right now.  You have to think about a ‘me’ before it ‘appears’.  The pure seeing is duration-less.  Uninterrupted observing is happening.  The mind is time – transient appearances only.  This immediacy is timeless.

The clear pointing on this site does not date.  It is fresh as the immediate impressions that register each moment.  We encourage you to explore as many of these programs as you wish to.  If you are waiting for a new program, please start listening to those programs you have not yet listened to.  Even though the programs are presented in an entertaining format, the essence of the pointing is sharp and cutting and ever fresh.   No one knows what ‘information’ will bring about a clear insight for you.  One may hear a pointer many times and somehow it does not register with its full meaning, then suddenly it cuts to the core.  Therefore we encourage anyone who resonates with a particular ‘message’ to listen as often as you can.  The programs will not dull or get stale.  Something ‘sinks in’ and in an unexpected moment a clear pointer registers with a clarity that dispenses the ‘old view’ and it leaves you present and aware, as you always have been, nakedly aware, of being pure being.   In that moment (which can only be this moment) the ‘job’ has been done (and nothing has actually happened and nothing was ever done).  This naked moment is eternal presence.

The incentive of the Urban Guru Cafe is purely in order for such a moment to open up for you (as it did for me).   Once this has ‘happened’ things fall into place in a very different ‘order’ and many beliefs are dispensed with naturally without incident.  This has ‘happened’ for many listeners.  Be patient and listen to those programs that resonate. – G.

In the beginning was the word.

The texture of the universe is a seamless garment worn by no entity.
The following voices will be heard on this program: Rick Linchitz, Robert Wolfe, Kenneth Madden, Terence Stamp reading David Carse, Ram Dass reading an ancient text, Randall Friend, Mark West, Bob Adamson, John Wheeler, Isaac Shapiro, Ramesh Balsekar with Nisargadatta….. – G.

Music includes: Gordon Lightfoot, Gevorg Dabagian, Andreas Vollenweider, Moody Blues, Kingston Trio, Thomas Dybdahl, Rivertribe (Aus), Mozart and Pink Floyd, traffic and birds.

The various guests on this program have programs of their own and website also. Gilbert has a free trimmed version of his e-book called “Resonance in the Heart”  available – The full version is a pay for download. Click HERE to visit the e-book.

The entire 99 programs on this site were produced on a MacBook Pro using a simple but excellent audio editing program called Amedeus Pro. We recommend Apple Macs and to date we have had no software conflicts and no major hardware issues with these excellent work tools.Through the above article, we can recommend you the latest dresses.Shop dress in a variety of lengths, colors and styles for every occasion from your favorite brands.

The UGC is on 1 Radio station in BC CFIS FM, Sunday mornings at 8.30.  It would be good to have the UGC on a few more stations around the globe. The programs are free.  Make some comments and stay in touch. – G.



73. The mind is Infinite

[ Comments Off on 73. The mind is Infinite ] Posted on 03.01.10 under Gilbert Schultz, John Greven, John Wheeler, Stephen Wingate

New program……Listen up. How anyone could miss what is being pointed out is remarkable.  Approximately 36 hours of programs and seeking is still happening?

The grasping consciousness known as ‘the seeker’ ignores the obvious and wants ‘God himself’ to come down out of the clouds and be his personal teacher. Sadly many believe that God has done just that. It is all Bunkum.

Music inclusions:  Canned Heat, Radiohead, The Swell Season, Zero 7, Jethro Tull, Bob Dylan, Rivertriibe, The Kinks and Pipkins with “Give me dat thing”.

The UGC is Phenomena. Everything is phenomena. Put another nickle in the Nickelodeon. This unprecedented ‘service’ is free but there are costs involved. Donate a small amount to keep this site going, if you find some value in it. You might even feel good about it.

Everything is Consciousness – there are no exceptions.

62. John Wheeler – the truth of who you are – III

[ Comments Off on 62. John Wheeler – the truth of who you are – III ] Posted on 11.20.09 under John Wheeler

John Wheeler talks about the nature of this sense of self called ‘I’.

John shares his insights without any dramatic overtones or any requests to believe anything he says. See for yourself. John is also featured in other programs on this site.

John does not have a website at present – you can contact him via an email address which can be found on our links page.

Music includes: Some classic Simon and Garfunkel. Annour Brahem from an excellent recent CD titled “Le pas du Chat noir”

The UGC is a free podcast site. A small number of our listeners make small donations now and then, for the maintenance of this site. We appreciate that. This is just a short reminder that ‘giving back’ is a valid thing to do. Enjoy the 62 programs. Warm regards from ‘the team’ here at the UGC. Also please consider attending the Second Life (free) meetings at the UGC. The times of the meetings are on this site – ‘SL time’.

30. John Wheeler – The truth of who you are – #4

[ Comments Off on 30. John Wheeler – The truth of who you are – #4 ] Posted on 02.27.09 under John Wheeler, Podcast

John Wheeler  shares his views on various unusual points of interest.

The quality of the sound varies due to the quality of the phone line. The sound file has been repaired considerably.

Three other interviews with John can be found on this site.

Music by Sting, Crosby Stills Nash & Young, James Taylor, Bob Dylan and Argentina.

All contact with John is now through johnwheeler111@yahoo.com

FREE Podcast….. All inclusive is the nature of Non Duality.

25. What else can I be but what I AM. ****

[ Comments Off on 25. What else can I be but what I AM. **** ] Posted on 12.30.08 under Bob Adamson, Catherine Harding, Gilbert Schultz, John Wheeler, Podcast, Randall Friend

Here is something new, something old and something you have never heard before – some salient points presented in a slightly different way.

The voices (but not all), in the order of appearance are: Meg Ryan, Sammy Davis Jnr, Randall Friend, Mark West, Bob Adamson, John Wheeler, Lee Hazelwood, Nancy Sinatra, Gilbert, Cat Stevens, Ian Anderson, John Lennon, Catherine Harding, Eliot Weber, Areti, John Sebastian, Mary Black, Van Morrison and Willy Richardson.

Music by Bonzo Dog Doodah band (Urban Spaceman), Queen, The Moody Blues, Sammy Davis Jnr (I gotta be me), John Lennon (Mind games), The Beatles (I’m only sleeping), Cat Stevens (Longer Boats and Father and son), Lee Hazelwood and Nancy Sinatra (I’ve been down so long), Jethro Tull (Trying to be), Alan Parsons Project (Touch the Sky), Paul Simon (50 ways), Crowded House(It’s only Natural), Rod Stewart and the Faces (When I was younger), The Loving Spoonful (Did you ever have to make up your mind), Mary Black, Van Morrison (Enlightenment) and Willy Richardson aka Gilbert (What’s wrong with right now, song).

Yes it is all FREE and it has to be that way.  No one is excluded by any intention on our part. For those who can easily afford to donate, a newly introduced Donation Tab appears on this site – top of front page (very small icon) near the contact icon and another at the bottom left hand side of comment pages. If you truly appreciate this site, please feel free to support the continuation of the Urban Guru Cafe. It is a non-profit project. Those who do donate ensure that these programs continue, for themselves, and for everyone. All inclusive is the nature of Non Duality.

21. John Wheeler – What is the truth of who you are – part 2 *****

[ Comments Off on 21. John Wheeler – What is the truth of who you are – part 2 ***** ] Posted on 11.09.08 under John Wheeler, Podcast

This is part two of an interview with John Wheeler recently. Many of the probing questions have been removed from the audio to allow a more even flow in John’s expression. This program picks up from the end of part one.

Music by the Beatles, John Lennon, Paul Simon, Crosby Stills Nash and Young, Gerardo Nunez, Van Morrison and John Lee Hooker, Ashkabad, Johhny Nash, Nilsson and the voice of George Harrison. Voice cut from Monty Python and a voice cut from Dan Millman’s movie based on his best selling book “The Peaceful Warrior”.

John has no website today – all contact to johnwheeler111@yahoo.com

Yes it is all FREE and it has to be that way.  No one is excluded by any intention on our part. For those who can easily afford to donate, a newly introduced Donation Tab appears on this site – top of front page (very small icon) near the contact icon and another at the bottom left hand side of comment pages. If you truly appreciate this site, please feel free to support the continuation of the Urban Guru Cafe. It is a non-profit project. Those who do donate ensure that these programs continue, for themselves, and for everyone. All inclusive is the nature of Non Duality.

20. John Wheeler – Crashing the Californian Guru Game ****

[ Comments Off on 20. John Wheeler – Crashing the Californian Guru Game **** ] Posted on 11.04.08 under John Wheeler, Podcast

This program looks at the very obvious difference between the direct message with its immediate evidence in direct and immediate experiencing and the more commonly believed in spiritual concepts of some kind of ‘future deliverance’ and the fact that that is all based on belief and hope.

“What is the truth of who you are” part 2 follows up later.

johnwheeler111@yahoo.com  is the contact address for John.

Music by The Beatles, Sonny and Cher, Crosby Stills Nash and Young, Queen, The Mamas and Papas, Fleetwood Mac, The Moody Blues and Paul Simon.

Yes it is FREE Podcast.

19. John Wheeler – What is the truth of who you are? – part 1

[ Comments Off on 19. John Wheeler – What is the truth of who you are? – part 1 ] Posted on 10.24.08 under John Wheeler, Podcast

John Wheeler tells us that the very nature of our being is that which is being pointed to – and it does not need to be found.  It cannot be denied and we do not come to it with the mind, because it is prior to the mind.  It is always right here, right now, in your direct experience-ing.  It is perfectly whole and complete – it needs no enhancement – there is no ‘becoming’ to it.

Music from Mercan Dede‘s excellent new CD ‘800’ – and some beautiful guitar pieces by Gerardo Nunez.

John Wheeler’s  contact details are: johnwheeler111@yahoo.com

The UGC is a Free Podcast.