Discovering what you truly are
Posted on 09.09.10 10:47AM under Darryl Bailey
“Darryl Bailey was drawn to meditation at age fourteen, he spent the next seventeen years exploring awareness and concentration practices from Christian, Hindu, Sufi, Taoist, Buddhist, and Western psychology sources.”
Many will not have heard of Darryl and no wonder. He has been quietly staying out of the limelight and enjoying it that way. Everything changes. Areti chats with Darryl about life and stuff. His recent book “Dismantling the Fantasy” is published by Non Duality Press.
Darryl’s website – Click HERE
Music includes: Bob Dylan, Andreas Vollenweider, Clannad, Dave Loggins, James Taylor, Mozart and Supertramp.
THE URBAN GURU CAFE NEEDS TO FIND A WIDER AUDIENCE AND IF YOU CAN HELP ACHIEVE THAT PLEASE DO SO. Speak to your local community Radio Stations about having them broadcast the 100 programs, maybe one a week. The Urban Guru Cafe has been dedicated to presenting clear speakers who do not ask anyone to believe anything they say. They merely point and discuss what we call Non Duality. Donations will keep this site available for new comers. At any moment someone may SEE through the illusion of being separate. This site is for them and the potential of insight – and for nothing more than that.